©2025 Frank Turben Web Designs 602-531-3383

Web Services

As Easy as One, Two, Three

Step One

Contact our website development specialist, Frank Turben at 602.531.3383. He will discuss with you personally what is required on your Website. Each website we design is unique and personalized for your business requirements. This special attention is designed to help you attain the most from your website. We want the final product to be functional, appealing & focused for your market. WHAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU BRAINSTORM WITH OUR CONSULTANT Preferred colors Existing logos or shall we design a custom one Ecommerce site – How many & what type of items are you selling Database Interface Web forms or other interactivity

Step Two

Once your needs have been assessed, we begin working on your custom website. Our website specialists & graphic design department work together to create a specialized product with that extra creative edge that will help market your business to prospective & current clients. During this step all necessary components such as; individual pages, databases, verbiage, ShopSite interactivity & graphics will be created. You will be able to view & approve all contents prior to activation of the website. We will consult with you during this creation stage to ensure proper development to meet your needs. Once approved the web site will be activated & published on the World Wide Web. Even after creation we will be available to maintain & optimize search engine access on a monthly or hourly rate.

Step Three

Reap the benefits of your new web presence!!! In these difficult economic times, there's not a more economical way to present your merchandise to the entire world than through your own web site. It is constantly working for you, day and night.
©2025 Frank Turben Web Designs 602-531-3383

Web Services

As Easy as One, Two, Three

Step One

Contact our website development specialist, Frank Turben at 602.531.3383. He will discuss with you personally what is required on your Website. Each website we design is unique and personalized for your business requirements. This special attention is designed to help you attain the most from your website. We want the final product to be functional, appealing & focused for your market. WHAT YOU MIGHT WANT TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU BRAINSTORM WITH OUR CONSULTANT Preferred colors Existing logos or shall we design a custom one Ecommerce site – How many & what type of items are you selling Database Interface Web forms or other interactivity

Step Two

Once your needs have been assessed, we begin working on your custom website. Our website specialists & graphic design department work together to create a specialized product with that extra creative edge that will help market your business to prospective & current clients. During this step all necessary components such as; individual pages, databases, verbiage, ShopSite interactivity & graphics will be created. You will be able to view & approve all contents prior to activation of the website. We will consult with you during this creation stage to ensure proper development to meet your needs. Once approved the web site will be activated & published on the World Wide Web. Even after creation we will be available to maintain & optimize search engine access on a monthly or hourly rate.

Step Three

Reap the benefits of your new web presence!!! In these difficult economic times, there's not a more economical way to present your merchandise to the entire world than through your own web site. It is constantly working for you, day and night.